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Sunday, January 4, 2015


I made it on time to today's sunrise but the sun was late, lol.. It has been gray and rainy for the last several days....


  1. Very pretty. It was a bit too cold and windy here for me to get out to the sunrise...I hope to get out for a walk later but it is sooooo windy and cold I may just talk myself into staying indoors

  2. it is grey here as well and snowing....but it is better than the sunny sub-zero we had yesterday.

  3. Today was cold..But to me being in the lower 30's, cloudy gray and damp is unappealing to get out...If the grayness is for only one or two days I can manage, lol...I would love to go walking a trail in 30-40 degree weather if it was sunny and first thing in the morning...That would be Heaven :-)
