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Sunday, March 16, 2014

A fun winter trip

I drove to Tennessee to visit my mom..This was the first trip I drove there without having passengers with me
to keep me company..I had a great visit with her..I was able to shoot a lot of pictures without going very far..Within footsteps of my mom's house is a lot of pretty scenery..I met this neighborhood doggie gang for the first time :-)
Somewhere in the middle of my two weeks with Mom, we had a thunder snow storm..On the day that the snowstorm took place, I thought it was chilly but not cold..The temps must have dropped very fast, lol :-)


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Birds and the Bees

I am fortunate that my backyard is a pretty place to spend patio time while indulging in my photography passion! There is a bird family residing in the birdhouse attached to my fence.. Every morning when the weather is good, I watch these birds go about their business taking care of their family.. The bottle brush bush next to the birdhouse is an awesome haven to bees and humming birds..I find intriguing wild flowers to photograph..

These photos are of the random treasures I have discovered during my patio time :-)